
Along the back of our land the wild plums are awakening to a slow ecstasy of white, throwing into the soft damp air a sweetness that makes me stop in a small swoon whenever I walk outside. The winter here always feels drab and endless, I grow lethargic and lose some of my joy; then suddenly the frog-song and plum blossoms and early green leaves come along and start pushing and pulling at me, reawakening my energy and joy.

This has been such a big year filled with change, and I am on the brink of even more change. I want to welcome the change, I don’t want to move into midlife becoming stiffer and more afraid, less likely to leap. I want to keep moving and growing and allowing big changes to move through my life clearing out the underbrush and making room for all kinds of new tender green growth. I want to stay tender and ready. And I know I can’t do this by standing still, or by holding on to things simply because I am in the habit of holding on to them.

The Spring comes along and reminds me to take the risk of growth. Just look at these tender petals Is there anything more beautiful?

On Sunday I invited my bestie and her dear ten year-old daughter over for an afternoon of Spring-welcoming activities. I said “bring some flowers and blossoms from your garden,” and they came to the door with arms full of branches of quince and camellia, stems of daffodils and heather. I brought in early cherry blossoms and very fragrant narcissus.

We made flower essences. We made flower crowns and flower mandalas. We coloured eggs, using  natural dyes and beeswax. When it was all done, we went for a long rainy walk up to a seaside meadow, where we gathered nettles to steam and eat as a spring tonic. I ended the day with my fingers nettle-stung and stained with pollen.

After my friends left, I had a big pile of flower petals that needed to be taken back outside. I sprinkled them all along the path to my door. Why not? Why not walk on flower petals when we can.

How will you welcome Spring? How will you welcome the changes that life is bringing you? On what paths can you scatter flower petals?

{I’m sorry I’ve been away. I’m back now. I’m glad to see you again.}
