It’s an important week, a week to begin as you mean to go on. We have a tender New Moon, a recently emerged Venus, Mercury stationing direct, and the Sun marking the turning from the heart of Winter to the spark of Spring.

This stretch of Saturn-ruled winter, Capricorn to Aquarius, can feel somber and drab. We remember that lead, the colour grey, cold dry things, limits, and mortality all belong to Saturn. Places within us indeed feel leaden and grey.

The paradox here is that this grey leaden time is also the time of quickening.

On Thursday, the Sun reaches 15º of Aquarius, the world point, the point in the solar year exactly between solstice and equinox.

This ‘cross quarter’ day is marked by many Northern Hemisphere cultures as a holy day, from the Roman Lupercalia to the Celtic Imbolc, Irish Brigid, Catholic Candlemas, on to our own Groundhog Day and Valentine’s Day.

What all of these holy days share is an honouring of the spark of life that leads to rebirth. They also share an energy of tenderness and vulnerability.

The seed planted now blooms strong and sturdy in Taurus Season, the tender candle flame becomes the roaring Beltane fire, but right now, our job is to protect what is new and tender within us.

The Lunar Key™ for the New Moon is…

What is being conceived?

The Astrology: On Monday, January 31st at 9:45 pm Pacific, Moon comes into the arms of the Sun at 12º of Aquarius, initiating a new lunar cycle. Sun and Moon are applying to Saturn by conjunction, and squaring Uranus (actually forming a T-Square with the healing goddess Hygeia.) Venus, fresh from the Underworld, is conjunct priestess planet Vesta, both nudging the New Moon from her blindspot by semi-sextile. Oh, and Ceres is on the Nodes.

The Energy: Well, this lunation is beautiful, and powerful, but not necessarily easy. To me it speaks of the acceptance of hard realities and the peace that can come with that acceptance. It feels like holding a moment of silence for the losses of the last two years, but also it feels like the breaking of that silence, the decision to move forward, to keep living and growing and healing.

Look for your planets and placements at 10º to 15º of the Fixed signs (Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, Scorpio) to see where in your life you can now move forward with grace, after a moment of silence.

 The Lunar Gestational Cycle

Each lunation is part of a longer two and a half year lunar cycle. This New Moon in Aquarius marks the beginning of a new cycle. Make a note of new ventures started around now. They will reach a critical turning point in November of 2022, come to full fruition in August of 2023, and be ready for release in May of 2024.

New Moon Blessings to you,

Love, Bronwyn