Today’s Rare Mercury Transit: What’s the Story?
What is it? The technicalities:

Several times a year, Mercury makes an inferior conjunction to the Sun. This conjunction is the centre of the Mercury retrograde cycle, and the beginning of a new 116 day Mercury cycle. Very rarely, this conjunction is at a latitude that allows us to see little Mercury crossing the face of the Sun. Today is one of those rare times!

What does it mean? The archetypal story:

Mercury, or Hermes, is the messenger of the gods. Cross culturally, s/he is the trickster archetype, the guide to the Otherworld, the magical one who can travel through all the worlds and remain unscathed. In terms of our own psyche, Mercury is Mind and Imagination: the part of us that can travel anywhere, anytime. Mercury is our neural pathways, our habits of mind, the magic of language, and how we give and receive communication. Our inner Mercury is the part of us that brings new information to light; s/he brings messages from our unconscious and our environment, s/he is our intuition.

Archetypal Mercury in the living sky mirrors for all of us the travels of this magical inner being. So what is the archetypal message of this special transit, for you? How does this drama playing out in the living sky mirror the dramas of your psyche?

Look at this beautiful photo of intrepid Hermes entering the heart of mother Sun. What does this look like to you? To me, it looks like conception.

Archetypally speaking, we HAVE reached a moment of conception. A new idea or impulse is being conceived, or brought into consciousness.

Your Hermetic Homework:

So here is your Hermetic homework for the day. Listen deeply. Notice the messages that come to you; the oddball ideas, the random suggestions, the whispers or the song lyrics, the dream image or the book that falls in your lap. The idea you conceive today will gestate over the coming Mercury cycle of 116 days. The idea you conceive today is a rare one, brought from the intense, flaming heart of your being. Notice it, treasure it, incubate it. It has import for your next cycle of life.