“Bronwyn brings light, love and beauty with her presence and her workshop. Her insights, support, experience and wisdom have enriched me in just the one week I was blessed to spend with her in Mexico. This was not my first experience in women’s retreats and I hold it up as an example of what is possible at their highest level. I was inspired and given practical tools to grow in my creativity, body, heart, and spiritual life. This will not be my last retreat with her and I look forward to an ongoing journey with her!”                                                                                                                   ~Laura Flanders Roush, Monterey, California, March 2014 Artful Living in Mexico Retreat Participant

“Thank you for creating and sharing this fabulous week. It was a perfect balance of soul work, creativity, and movement with beautiful like-minded women and in a warm, sunny, inspiring place. I am so grateful that I was able to join you and am heading home truly inspired.” ~Heather Marie Moon, Lansing, Michigan, March 2014 Artful Living in Mexico Retreat Participant

I’m going back! Seven days of art, mindfulness, movement, and deep self-care, all in the intimate setting of beautiful Hacienda Mosaico, a private artist’s retreat in Puerto Vallarta. This retreat is open to three to twelve women only. This year’s dates are November 16 – 22, 2014. To learn more, click here. Now, take a look at the scenes below, from last winter’s retreat, and tell me in the comments which scene appeals to you the most, and why!


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You should be here, don’t you think?  {Art retreat in Mexico!!}


About Bronwyn: Bronwyn Simons’ vision is of a world where we are all able to live daily lives of deep connection, purpose, and joy. She’s an artist, writer, teacher, and retreat leader whose work has touched and transformed hundreds of women’s lives for the better. Her next big adventure is the Artful Living in Mexico retreat at gorgeous Hacienda Mosaico in November 2014. The Artful Life Blog provides a daily touchstone for women seeking to live more soul-satisfying lives.