A Psychologically Fertile Lunation

The Full Moon perfected last night at 9° Scorpio, bringing a release to the intense flow of emotions many of us experienced over the weekend, and ushering in two weeks of emotional processing and release as we enter the waning cycle.

Emotional intensity is one of the hallmarks of Scorpio moontime, but why did so many of us find this lunation particularly intense, and how can we go beyond this intensity to embrace the psychological growth that this moon offers? This psychologically fertile lunation happened on the Taurus/Scorpio Axis, asking us to synthesize the contrary urges of rooting and releasing. Flowing trine/sextile conversations with dreamy Neptune and strict Saturn asked us to engage in a challenging inner dialogue between the desire for merging and the need for structure.

A Full Moon perfects when the Moon reaches the point in the zodiac where she is exactly opposite the Sun. Astronomically, this puts the Earth between the Sun and the Moon, symbolically allowing us to see both perspectives. The opposition challenges us to synthesize the two poles of the axis, in this case Scorpio and Taurus. Watery Scorpio and Earthy Taurus both deal with fertility, but from opposite ends of the cycle. The rich compost and decay of Scorpio time feed the sensual blooms of Taurus season. Compost feeds blooms! When we make this connection in our own lives, all we create can flourish.

So the challenge of this moon is: First to witness our emotions and dreams, and see what is being illuminated in our own fertile darkness. Second: to identify and acknowledge the beliefs, emotions, habits, and behaviours that need to be composted so we can bloom anew. Our collective journey in 2018 is towards creative growth within structure. For this growth to occur, we must, both individually and collectively, discard the beliefs and behaviours that aren’t working.

In my Full Moon zoom chat last night, someone in the circle said, “Yes… but how?” It’s easy to say “let go,” much harder to do the difficult work of actually releasing. My answer goes to why I find moon work so powerful. We can  access the power of the Moon as a friend and teacher and support. In doing so, we are actually accessing the support of our own unconscious mind  and our soul resources. We strain our rational minds and our willpower in trying to bring change to our lives, and we forget the power of symbolic work and soulful connection to the energetic (and inner) realms. The Moon can become a reliable access point to this aspect of ourselves, and an entry-point to the realms of deep soul work.

Are you working towards releasing something from your life after the emotional intensity of recent days?
Here is a practice to aid you: just follow the Moon.
Attend to her as she wanes over the next fourteen days.
Make it your daily practice to find her in the sky, or at least in your mind’s eye, and see how she releases a little more light each day. As she sheds light to return to the renewing and fertile dark of the New Moon, so  you, too, can shed and release those things that no longer serve you.
Try this symbolic practice during this waning cycle.
Expect connection, support, and near-magical experiences of aid and soul-comfort.

Wishing you Sacred Beauty and Ease in Releasing,
Love and Roses,

{Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, and the planetary transits this season are bringing deep inner shifts to many of us. I can help you understand and align with these deep currents of change in your own life story. Knowledge is power. Book a consultation here.}