New Moon Magic

The question of every New Moon is, What is being conceived?

At the darkest time of her cycle, Moon meets Sun in the sky and is re-conceived – she begins again. The final hours of the lunar cycle, just before the New Moon perfects, are potent hours of release and surrender, a letting-go into the fertile darkness, a preparation for conception.

Then the New Moon perfects, as she comes to meet Sun at the same degree and minute, in this case, 24° 40′ Taurus. In this moment, if we align our energies with the Moon, we can ride her slipstream into the new cycle and re-conceive some aspect of ourselves or conceive something entirely new in our lives.

I always use this slipstream of energy to bring new goodness into my life. The art of manifestation is less about getting what we want, and much more about learning to align our desires and actions with the greater flow of the energies around us. This is a humbling, healing, and sacred practice.

New Moon Magic can and will bring us what we want… and we will be most fulfilled by the fulfillment of our wishes when what we want is aligned with what the universe wants for us.Slip into that stream, and you will live in beauty and grace.

The Priestess Enters

The nature of what we conceive and call forth at the New Moon is shaped by the celestial configurations of the lunation. What’s happening in the sky? We can look first to the sign and degree of the conjunction of the Sun and Moon. Next, we can look at the conversations the Sun and Moon are having with other planets and energies at the time of their conjunction, and finally at all the other cosmic conversations going on around them. What’s the mood? What are the patterns?

With this New Moon we get glimpse beneath the lush earthy surface of Taurus to see the sacred mystery beneath. We feel the brush of the sacred feminine, glimpse it in our peripheral vision. The priestess in us awakens. This is potentially very powerful Moon for material manifestation work, and we are cautioned to practice right view and right intention in all that we call into being.

There is something intensely theatrical about the sky at this New Moon. A sacred drama is unfolding in the sky and in our beings. The main act is Uranus’ ingress into Taurus: The Great Awakener leaves the realms of initiatory Fire and comes down to Earth. The eight year Uranus cycle that begins next week will shake up our ideas of security and challenge us to grow strong roots in the areas of our lives where we truly need and want to bloom. We’ll have a long time to grow into this energy and meet the challenges of the cycle, but somewhere in our psychic life, this week and next, Uranus will make a grand entrance into our consciousness, showing us the signature of this energetic shift.

But first, the New Moon prepares us. If the Uranus Ingress is the main act, the New Moon in Taurus is a powerful prelude, a quiet and balanced moment to stabilize and prepare even as we feel the tension of the approaching shift. I feel so much latent energy in this New Moon, my mind’s eye keeps returning to the image of a hushed theatre, the curtain just going up on an empty stage bathed in mysterious light. A great drama is about to unfold, but right now we are just at the moment of imaginative departure, the big inhale, the willing suspension of disbelief as we wait, eyes wide and pupils dilated.

The Sun/Moon conjunction takes the stage at 24° Taurus, flanked by two goddesses, Eris and Venus, in semisextile to the New Moon. The power of the Light and Dark Goddesses support the dense fertility of this Moon. We are asked to own and integrate our full selves, and we are reminded that the darkness within is as rich, fertile, beautiful, and necessary as the light. The Moon is just coming out of deep conversation with Neptune and Pluto, bringing us news and realizations about vital power adjustments, desired transformation, and the shape of the new dream. Her next meet up is with Mars and Uranus, and she will ask – or demand – us to take urgent action on what we have just learned or realized.

What to Do

Lean in. See whatever challenges, outbursts, and eruptions that come along as encounters with your deep self, and profound opportunities for self-knowing and self-compassion. Just lean in to self-compassion.

Set intentions for growth and manifestation. If you want to bring things into the world, today is THE day this year to set that in motion energetically. Just be sure that what you wish for is what you truly desire.

Embrace the sacred feminine. Practice seeing the female face of the divine. Seek out images and stories of the sacred feminine throughout cultures and time. Open your heart to new ways of seeing power.

Support inner awakening. You know what you need to let go of to get clearer, more joyful, and more awake. Do it now.

Reach Out. Share the weird dreams, the new desires, the tender hopes, and the strange emotions. If you’d like some help translating, come see me for a consultation. I can hold the flashlight while we study the map of your life together.

Taurus Love,
