full moon in virgo

I found this beautiful image on pinterest and after a diligent google image search still could not find an attribution. if you know who this artist is, will you comment and let me know? Thank you…

It’s Full Moon again! Full Moons bring fruition and revelation. What seeds did you sow at the last New Moon? How have they taken root? Now is the time to look at those New Moon intentions and decide what to do next. Time to consider what needs to be released. Time to slow down a little and consider the places in your life that are full, ripe, and abundant – celebrate the fullness and practice gratitude. At the same time, consider the things that have reached their peak or natural ripeness, and need to be transformed or released or diminished. Want less of something in your life? Say so now, and watch it dwindle as the moon wanes.

This intense Full Moon at 15° Virgo asks us to deal with the Virgo/Pisces duality within us. We are being called to healing and wholeness through using a skilful balance of discernment and flow, a balance of intuition and clarity, groundedness and release.

What a challenge! Other aspects in the sky are pushing us hard to change, to grow, to release, and to feel deeply, and on some level to claim our power and fight for our dream. We might feel as though we are in limbo, or being tossed on stormy emotional seas – we may be longing to just feel ‘normal’ again. This Moon provides wisdom we need to get through this time, if we are skilful enough to use it.

Yes, change is uncomfortable. The key to surviving this period of flux is GRACE. We must dance our way through this – to dance on uneven ground requires the strength, balance, and discernment of the Virgo temperament, combined with the continuous flow and surrender of the Pisces soul.

Remember that the other meaning of GRACE is a gift from the divine. The highest manifestation of this lunation is this kind of grace. Use all of your feminine elegance, discernment, gentleness, flow, and clarity to deal with today’s challenges. If you can synthesize the light and shadow of this time, you will be gifted with true grace.


Each set of Moon Journal Pages will contain:

~ beautiful artwork and collages by Bronwyn

~ an in-depth write up on the energies of each Full and New Moon and how best to use them in your life

~ a printable moon phase mandala for you to fill in and use daily to track your moods, feelings, cycles, and life events through the phases of the moon

~ suggestions, instructions and recipes for New and Full Moon Rituals and activities each month according to each month’s moon signs and aspects

~ gorgeously decorated journal pages for you to record your New and Full Moon Intentions, plus other moon-cycle related journal prompts

learn more or purchase here