I woke in the predawn hour croaking my husbands name, crying out for help from the land of dreams, where I was wrestling in the dank underground with a menacing child. Sitting up with tea, we untangled the dream together, I began to see in it the threads of a universal human story, the struggle with ego, the repetition compulsion. Things got clear in the talking, a bright truth was revealed from within the tangle of dank dream tendrils. Warmed by lamplight and strong hot tea and the wisdom of my companion, I was able to see the gift of the dream.

Glancing at the clock, I knew we were moving through the dregs – ahem – final essence of Scorpio time, just moments away from the Sun’s ingress into Sagittarius.

Each astrological season brings the peculiar elemental wisdom of an archetype, and each archetype is both augmented and complemented by the proceeding one. We bounce between opposites as the “seasons” progress, but taken as a whole, the story of the year is coherent and builds in wisdom.

The wisdom of Scorpio is a wisdom of depths and dregs. In Scorpio Season,  We have the opportunity explore the rich and fertile sediment that has settled at the bottom of things. Inner journeys are taken, shadows are explored, investigations and therapeutic deep dives and exploratory surgeries and secret hearings of evidence and excavations of artifacts and memories are undertaken. Swamps are dragged.

It’s revealing, it’s intense, and it’s exhausting. Shadow work is solitary, and we may end the season filled with new information and awareness, but feeling dampened, cold, and alone.

So we come together. And we begin to tell our stories.

We tell the stories we have wrestled out of the dark, pulled from the swamps and wells and murky shadows.

We settle by the warmth and light of the fire and shape these stories with our breath, give them life by sharing them, turn them over on our tongue and shape them into living wisdom.

As we shape inner journeys into spoken word, we become for the moment of the telling,  the wise one, the guru, for ourselves and our companions. Our shadow struggles become teaching stories. We find ourselves, as I did this morning, warm and dry and basking in each other’s light, sharing the treasures we have spent a season diving for.

And that is the essence of Sagittarius. The return of optimism and warmth. Seeing the light of wisdom in ourselves and others, and gathering together to share the gifts of wisdom and presence, bringing love-light to a dark season.

So, welcome to Sagittarius time. Have a seat by the fire. Warm up. Tell us about your journey, and show us what you have brought back from the depths.