I can help you gently illuminate the hidden depths
of your psyche, I can help you recognize the archetypal forces that are working on your life in this moment, and help you develop a clear map of your current terrain so you can choose wisely in navigating towards the future. There is so much wisdom, so much help and knowledge available to us in any moment from the energetic realms (or the archetypal world, or the unconscious mind and body, however you choose to see it…) I can guide you towards that wisdom in yourself, help you to see it and name it, help you access new ways to comfort, guide, and understand yourself.
“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”
― Carl Sagan

90 minutes
A deep dive into your natal potential and your current transits. This consultation is a container for my deepest intuitive gifts. You’ll experience profound mirroring and a compassionate interpretation of your life myth. Through your natal astrology chart and communication with the energetic realms through dreams, I help you explore the deep uncharted territory of your life. I offer you the opportunity to engage with the heroic story that is your life, see your experiences through a new lens, cultivate self-compassion, and gain deep insight for moving forward. This package blends the practical with the esoteric. Gain a sense of the larger pattern and meaning of your life, discover new tools for using your innate gifts and talents, new strategies for self-nurturance and rapid growth, and a clear roadmap for the near future.
Investment: $332 USD

3x60 minutes
Breathe deeply into your story over a full season. This is my most popular offering. With this package you’ll be supported through an entire season of personal development. Over three lunar months, watching the current planetary transits to your birth chart, we explore your current terrain and I offer immediate insight and guidance. You will gain perspective on current issues and their origins, and get clear on next steps and the conditions of the road ahead. Ongoing support can help you get clear on hidden strengths, build new patterns, observe personal cycles over time, and receive deep support and nurturance during a season of change or a time of rapid growth.
Investment: $602 USD

9x60 minutes
The nine-month cycle is a cycle of creative completion. With this package you’ll receive sustained support and guidance over a full personal gestational cycle. Together we’ll create a safe place for you to unfold and explore over the course of nine months. Working with the extended cycling of the Moon (the Lunar Gestation Cycle) we will identify the areas of your life where you yearn to grow, create, and heal. We will meet each New Moon, and together we will plant seeds and nurture them to blossom in your life. Along the way, you will gain knowledge of the Moon as an ongoing ally in your life. You’ll receive a personalized lunar calendar with suggested reflections and actions for you to take each lunar month to sustain and nurture yourself. This package is designed to sustain you and give you perspective during the more challenging passages of life.
Investment: $1808 USD

2019, our year ahead, brings clarity, new dreams, idealism, hard work, and a bright edge to balance upon. 2019 asks us to step into integrity and optimism, and work for justice and balance within and without. It’s a year of work and challenge, but it’s full of grace notes.
2019 brings rich soil in which to grow our dreams.
What will this mean for you, for your chart and your life? How can you use your gifts to their fullest in 2019, where can you best invest your energies, and what will it all feel like? What will be your story?
I am excited to explore these questions with you through the story of your chart. In my 2019 Year Ahead Consultations, we will look together at the road before you. We’ll spend 90 minutes digging deep into your biggest questions about the upcoming year, and I’ll offer wisdom and insight on what you can expect from this year’s transits by looking at where they fall in your birth chart. We’ll walk through your 2019 calendar and identify the best times (and most challenging times) for growth, rest, travel, self-care, launches, relationships, or any area of life you’d like guidance on!
Book soon… I have limited bookings available for this consultation. I’d love to see you over the holidays and explore 2019 with you!
- 90 Minute Consultation and annual Chart Analysis
- Free PDF copy of my 2019 Moon Journal, personalized for your lunations
Investment $323USD
I look forward to meeting with you! I offer my consultations via Zoom video, which you can easily access in one click. My approach is gentle, friendly, and compassionate. Your privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to me. Your emotional and psychological comfort is also very important, so my insights are offered in a gentle, respectful, and positive way, always. Consulting with me should feel like a warm conversation, in which you are seen, heard, and honoured. Read some of my client testimonials above, to see how a session with me feels. Please get in touch if you have any questions!
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